
March, 2010 

We are learning.....


Kindergartners have now learned the letters m, p, f, c, t, s, d, l, a, o, r, b, i, n, g and u. The children have also begun writing words with some assistance. We are also working on breaking apart and blending together the sounds in word.s. If you were sent home a letter checklist, please practice those that your child is having difficulty with.

Second Grade

This month we have read stories about how things change. Our stories have been about plants, animals and weather. While reading these stories we have been focusing on comparing events in stories to other stories. We have also compared events from the stories to things from our lives. We will continue to work on comprehension skills for the remainder of the school year. Remember to ask your child about the stories that they read at home. Make sure that they are able to answer essential questions (Who was the story about? Where did the story take place? What happened in the story?)

Helping your children at home . . .


. Talk with your children about daily events, about events that have happened in the past, and about plans for the future. Every once in a while, use a "hard" word and discuss the meaning of that word.

. Have your children keep a list of new words they have learned. Ask them to listen for new words as people talk. Have your children find new words in newspapers, books, catalogs, and magazines. Discuss the meanings of the new words with your children and have them add these words to their list.

      . Give your children a word that is found in other words (for example, "grow" is found in "growing" and "growth"). Ask them to name other words that are related. You can call this group of words a "word family." Have your children make a book of word families by writing words from the same family on a page and by drawing pictures about the words. Clip or staple together several pages of word families and pictures to form a book.

Important Dates


April 2nd – 11th – Spring Break – No School

April 12th – Classes Resume

April 19th -23rd – OAA Testing – Grades 3-6

(Ohio Achievement Assessments)